Canine Osteopathy
Working with absolutely the same principals as with her human patients, Hannah now sees a variety of canine patients too. She has a long history of working with dogs, and has bred and shown her own Rough Collies for over thirty years.
Canine Osteopathy, just like its human equivalent, is a system of treatment and management that uses physical techniques to ease tension and restrictions from the joints and muscles of the body in order to improve the structural, functional and physiological harmony of the dog. By working on the joints, muscles, blood flow and neurological supply, canine osteopathy works to reinstate the natural balance of the body, thereby improving overall function. We will also discuss your home environment, and offer advice on improvements that can be made to help your dog.
Osteopathy for dogs (as with humans!) isn't just about fixing the back, and can help with a variety of issues including the following:
Soft tissue injuries
General stiffness in the older dog
Hip Dysplasia
General lameness
General gait improvement (specifically for show dogs)
It is a legal requirement for us to gain consent from your own vet for us to treat your dog. In the first instance, a telephone or email consultation will be undertaken prior to veterinary consent being sought. Once this is obtained, we will undertake the initial examination and if safe and appropriate to treat your dog, we will formulate a treatment and management plan with you before commencing. Treatment includes soft tissue massage, stretching, joint articulation and exercises.
Where appropriate, we will always refer back to your Vet if we feel that further investigation is necessary.
Receipts for treatment will be provided on request for you to pass to your pet insurance company should you have appropriate cover.